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Ideal Cut Diamonds

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History of the Ideal Cut Diamond
Diamonds became popular as ornaments in jewelry in the 1400's and the different techniques and styles of diamond cuts were gradually developed over many years. The year of 1919 saw the greatest advancement in diamond cuts when the skills of Marcel Tolkowsky produced the Ideal cut for diamonds used as the American Standard (also known as the American Ideal Cut, Tolkowsky cut, and Tolkowsky Brilliant)

Marcel Tolkowsky (1898 - 1991) and the Ideal Cut Diamond
Marcel Tolkowsky was born in Belgium in 1898. He came from a Russian family of diamond cutters. His father was Isidore Tolkowsky who worked in Antwerp with his brothers. Marcel therefore came from a wealthy family and was brought up with the tradition and skills of diamond cutting.

Marcel was well educated and studied at the University of London to become an engineer, mathematician and physicist. During his time at university Marcel using his knowledge of Math, Physics and Diamond cutting he wrote a Masters thesis on the proportions for round brilliant cut diamonds. He calculated the ideal shape to return and scatter light when a diamond is viewed from above. In 1919 he published his book entitled 'Diamond Design' which became the basis for what is now known as the “Ideal Cut".

Description of the Ideal Cut Diamond Dimensions
Marcel Tolkowsky defined the ideal dimensions for diamonds as follows:

  • Table percentage (table diameter divided by overall diameter) = 53%
  • Depth percentage (Overall depth divided by the overall diameter) = 59.3%
  • Pavilion Angle (Angle between the girdle and the pavilion) = 40.75°
  • Crown Angle (Angle between the girdle and the crown) = 34.5°
  • Pavilion Depth (Depth of pavilion divided by overall diameter) = 43.1%
  • Crown Depth (Depth of crown divided by crown diameter) = 16.2%

Diamonds are Forever...

Ideal Cut Diamonds - the Cutting Process
Diamond Facets are the smooth surface areas of a diamond which are cut and polished to control the brilliance and the durability of a diamond. A skilful diamond cutter brings out all the brilliance and sparkle of a diamond by choosing the most appropriate cut, such as the Ideal Diamond cut. For specific information on individual round cuts please click one of the following links:

Brilliant Cut Diamonds

Round Cut Diamonds

Rose Cut Diamonds

Symbolism & Meaning of Diamonds
The traditional properties closely associated with diamonds  are action, passion, and energy. Jewelry containing diamonds are believed to enhance relationships, increasing inner strength and provide the wearer with balance, clarity and abundance. Wearing jewelry containing a diamond will focus the energies of the precious gemstone through the gem.

Ideal Cut Diamond Engagement Rings
The tradition of wearing engagement rings, including those with an Ideal cut diamond, symbolizes the promise of a future together which is sealed with the giving and accepting of a ring. The tradition of giving a diamond engagement ring dates back to the 13th century. Mary of Burgundy is the first known recipient of a diamond engagement ring, in 1477. Betrothal Betrothal rings were initially given as a pledge to marry. All wedding and engagement rings are worn on the third finger of the left hand because the vein in this finger, called the "vena amoris", was once believed to run directly to the heart which is closely associated with love. The circular shape of rings symbolizes unending love.

Ideal Cut Diamond Solitaire
The most popular style engagement ring is a diamond solitaire, the cuts include the Ideal cut diamond solitaire. The solitaire design was introduced by Tiffany about 100 years ago. The Tiffany solitaire setting enhanced the brilliance and lustre of the diamond by introducing the first ‘open’ mount, which allowed light to travel freely through the precious stone differing from all previous settings which had restrictive closed backs. The Ideal cut diamond solitaire is a beautiful cut for this type of jewelry.

Ideal Cut Diamonds
What constitutes good cuts? Good Ideal Cut Diamonds are effected by several different elements which have a large impact on a diamond's brilliance. These include the Width and Depth of the stone, the Symmetry and the alignment of a diamond's facets and the polish. Diamond Clarity is a measure of a diamond's blemishes and inclusions which also effect the brilliance of diamonds and their sparkle because they interfere with the passage of light travelling through the precious stone. The skill of the jeweller will ensure that Ideal cut diamonds have a suitable cut to give the most beautiful results in respect of their lustre, transparency, refraction and dispersion of light.

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