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Diamond Clarity Chart

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Diamond Clarity Chart
Why is a Diamond Clarity Chart necessary and what is the meaning of Diamond Clarity? Definition: The clarity of a diamond relates to exactly how clear a diamond is. It describes the presence, or absence, of Inclusions (flaws) within the diamond and any blemishes on its surface. These inclusions disrupt the flow of light in the diamond so that some of light reflected will be lost and the clarity of the diamond subsequently diminishes.

Diamond Clarity Chart - The Quality of the Diamond
The quality of a diamond, including Diamond Clarity, is one of the 4 C s of diamond grading (Cut, Color, Clarity and Carat Weight). These grades provide an excellent guide to the quality of a diamond. The numbers, sizes, colors, locations and visibility of any inclusions and / or blemishes in a diamond can effect the relative clarity of a diamond and its quality.

The majority of Diamond Inclusions cannot be seen by the human eye so systems have been developed to grade diamond clarity. The different types of diamond grades reflecting clarity are detailed on the Diamond Clarity Chart.

Diamond Clarity Chart - The Grades
Diamonds are graded on a Diamond Clarity Chart ranging from high quality, rare and expensive flawless to imperfect and cheap diamonds. As the majority of inclusions cannot be seen by the naked eye they are located by a jeweller under a 10 power magnification and then graded according to their clarity. The grades and levels are described on the Clarity Chart. An excellent guide when choosing diamonds.

Diamond Clarity Chart / Rating and Grading Reports
Many jewellers reports confirm whether or not diamonds have inclusions or blemishes, and if they do, the level of the effect - Flawless, Internally Flawless, Very, Very Small Inclusions, Very Small Inclusions, Small Inclusions and Large Inclusions. The different grades and levels of Clarity are described in the following Chart with specific abbreviations, definitions and explanations:

Scale Abbreviation - Scale Description -  Details of Clarity - Quality

F - Flawless - No internal or external flaws - Very Rare and Expensive

IF - Internally Flawless - No internal flaws - Rare and Expensive

VVS1 - Very, Very Small Inclusions Level 1 - Very Difficult to see inclusions under 10x magnification - Expensive

VVS2 - Very, Very Small Inclusions Level 2 - Difficult to see inclusions under 10x magnification - Less Expensive

VS - Very Small Inclusions - Inclusions are noticeable to a jeweller under 10x magnification -

VS1 - Very Small Inclusions Level 1 - Inclusions are noticeable to a jeweller under 10x magnification -

VS2 - Very Small Inclusions Level 2 - Inclusions are noticeable to a jeweller under 10x magnification -

SI - Small Inclusions - Inclusions are easily seen to a jeweller under 10x magnification -

SI1 - Small Inclusions Level 1 - Inclusions are easily seen under 10x magnification but not visible to naked eye -

SI2 - Small Inclusions Level 2 - Inclusions are easily seen under 10x magnification but not visible to naked eye -

LI - Large Inclusions - Inclusions are visible to naked eye but minimum loss of brilliance -

LI1 - Large Inclusions Level 1 - Larger Inclusions visible to naked eye with small loss of brilliance -

LI2 - Large Inclusions Level 2 - Larger Inclusions visible to naked eye with dulling of brilliance -

LI3 - Large Inclusions Level 3 - Larger Inclusions visible to naked eye with brilliance diminished - Cheapest

Diamond Clarity Chart
The Diamonds Clarity Chart provides and excellent guide when choosing diamonds. For additional facts and information about this subject please click the following link:

Diamond Clarity

Diamonds - Chart - Precious - Stone - Guide - Color - Facts - Chart - Information -Info
Chart - Scale - Definition - Define - Sparkle - Chart - Brilliance - Fire
Quality - Scale - Chart - Rating - Grading

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